Loyce Hood, Nature Photography
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A Few of my Favorites

All but the Dolphin were taken in 2001.

Dolphin; Actual size=240 pixels wide

This photo was taken in Orlando, FL for my granddaughter, who loves Dolphins and sea mammals.

Dove, hiding in the rain; Actual size=240 pixels wide

I shot this Dove trying to stay dry in a Florida downpour. He was just off my balcony. I thought the rain drops look like diamond dust.

Downtown St. Pete, from The Pier; Actual size=240 pixels wide

This photo was taken from the observation deck of The Pier, one of St. Petersburg, FL's attractions. It is facing downtown St. Pete.

Duck with a do; Actual size=240 pixels wide

I spotted this duck with a flock in a park in St. Petersburg. She was larger than the rest of the flock, and the only one with a crest.

Photos From the Tampa Bay Area